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Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 10:41 pm
by rocky raccoon

Dig that guitar picking!

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:16 pm
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
rocky raccoon wrote:Beethoven!

Dig that guitar picking!

True story, I do a mighty fine "duck walk," if I do say so myself.

It brought the house down one night at a beach side luau on the west shore of Maui a couple days before John Elway stomped on the hearts of Cleveland Browns Fans in early 1987.

Johnny B Goode.

Since my torn and rebuilt achilles is the left leg, the duck walk lives on in original form.

I break it out in the right bars in Reno....from time to time....with my wife. She has to have had a good bit to drink to appreciate....

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:18 pm
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
I've got Lynyrd Skynyrd from a July 1977 concert at the Oakland Coliseum on out here on PBS right now.

"Play "Free Bird!"

I'll be in Florida and The Southeast later this week. Right now I'm scheduled to fly back, but may join my wife and kid as they bring his car back from Auburn to The Bay Area for the summer.

Part of me wants to be with them and have fun on the drive, but part of me wants to let them have the special bond of a cross country road trip together. As kids get to be 19 and sophomores in college, not too many more of those opportunities present themselves.

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:33 pm
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
Oh geez, the 2nd half of this concert is Peter Frampton. Never one of the tea cups of my enjoyment, though it certainly colored a couple of prime time years.

True story, I was living in Miami FL when Frampton had his horrendous auto accident somewhere in the Caribbean.

The Miami Herald outside my patio apartment door the next morning bore the headline:

Frampton Comes Alive.........barely

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:38 pm
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
If Wikipedia is correct, Peter Frampton has most recently taken up residence somewhere near Cincinnati.

Frampton has lived in London, Guatemala, and the USA, including Westchester County, New York, Los Angeles, and Nashville. He moved to Indian Hill, an eastern suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio, USA in June 2000. This is the birthplace of his wife Tina Elfers and the city in which they were married in 1996. They chose to live there to be closer to Tina's family.[6] After the September 11, 2001 attacks, Frampton decided to become a United States citizen.[30]

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:45 pm
by J.R.
Yep, Peter was my neighbor for several years. Well, I lived in Montgomery, while he lives in Indian Hill, the most upscale community in Cincy.

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:48 pm
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
J.R. wrote:Yep, Peter was my neighbor for several years. Well, I lived in Montgomery, while he lives in Indian Hill, the most upscale community in Cincy.

Jerry Springer, Larry Flint, Pete Rose and Peter Frampton.

Whodathunkit about Cincy?

(whoa......sudden craving for Skyline chili...........)

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:52 pm
by rusty2
Pretty sure Peter Frampton could walk across the Ohio River and no one would recognize him.

Just another bald guy !

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:55 pm
by J.R.
He has some hair!

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:57 pm
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
rusty2 wrote:Pretty sure Peter Frampton could walk across the Ohio River and no one would recognize him.

Just another bald guy !

A good old hard partying friend of mine back in South Carolina and I have a little Frampton related code referencing we had a good time the night before.

The other day my wife asked, "Why did (pic a name) facebook that he woke up this morning with a wine glass in his hand?"

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2011 11:59 pm
by J.R.

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:31 am
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
J.R. wrote:

By the way, I don't facebook.

My wife does, and now I know my old South Carolina friend does as well.

I've got them both on a short leash.....

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 12:41 am
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
Tribe Fan in SC/Cali wrote:If The Tribe wins tomorrow......after three tough losses.....I think we're going to October Baseball.

My feelings stand.

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 1:01 am
by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali
Seriously digressing.....

I used hair spray today for the first time since probably 1971-1973. Those were the days of my "Prince Valiant--David Cassidy" hair. With the long sleeve shirts with lots of cuff buttons.

In Ohio, the static electricity of winter and sweaters made my hair fly up to grab anything.

I used hair spray in the fall and winter......even though I sneezed because of my allergies to the animal byproducts in it in those days.

Two girls in their 20's and 30's I've worked with in recent months have been discussing the best options for my current hairstyle and amount of hair.

The 26 year old girl offers I should shave my head, adding I would be "hot" for a 54 year old with my body. Yes, that's what she said. She's cute as a button, and normal as a button.....and smart..... with her more than fair share of tattoos.

The mid to late 30's girl who never saw her father again after he was led out into the fields of Cambodia has opinioned I should keep my style but use some spray to keep the wispy fly away hairs in place.

I went with the latter option.

I went to the girl who has cut my hair for the last 9+ years and she told me I should get the "Paul Mitchell" fine hair brand. She directed me to a shop that carried same for sale.

The lone girl in the shop was smokin' hot. Albeit about 6 inches taller than me with blond hair below her waist.

I asked her opinion, and she agreed with the Chinese Cambodian girl who lost her father, and with my regular girl who cuts my hair.

The smokin' hot girl put her hands in my hair and showed me how to apply the spray for optimum results in hair control.

Best darned $8 I have ever spent!

Re: Idle Chatter

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2011 6:28 am
by Uncle Dennis
Did you feel like having a cigarette after that encounter? By the way, should your travels take you once again through Charlotte, please let me know.