Re: Idle Chatter

We lost Elizabeth Taylor today.

I admired her work for AIDS research and working to make the disease less offending to everyone.

Most of her movie career was before my time.

I did make it through Cleopatra though can't say I enjoyed it.

I'm picky about my horse movies.

I did LOVE Elizabeth Taylor in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof.

With Cleveland's Paul Newman.

Paul Newman was one of my fraternity brothers. A few years before me.

I connected on that movie.

Re: Idle Chatter

I can't get into WC so maybe this is it from now on. This forum is not a bad substitute and Ryan and JR are doing all they can to make this our new, comfortable home and I appreciate all their efforts. It takes a lot of work to keep a forum going and those guys have stepped up to the challenge. I hope there comes a time my life will settle down a bit and I can be of more help to you both. You have done a fantastic job.

Re: Idle Chatter

Tribe Fan in SC (now Cali) - Apr 15, 2011 6:14 am (#227 of 228)
It pays to talk to the regular scalpers on the way to the ballparks of America.

I've known one guy on the bridge from the train to the Oakland Coliseum for about 10 years now. He's the guy I gifted two Cavaliers-Warriors tickets to when LeBron was out here and the game was sold out several years ago. It was a LeBron triple double night. He had taken care of me on tickets before, so I said "here...make money!" That was the night I had purchased 25 tickets below face the night before from a crying girl in a story too long to be told before this place might go "poof."

Tonight's game was a light sale.

My scalper friend saw me on the bridge and said "I'll sell you this one for less than half of face."

First row on the field, by the bullpen. May fave area in most all ball parks.

Tribe Fan in SC (now Cali) - Apr 15, 2011 6:35 am (#228 of 228)
Jhonny Peralta had three walks at the game I was at tonight.

A's lost. No biggie.

These days I'm usually the oldest guy when I go to a bar or a game. I had sort of bonded with a late 20's or early 30's guy and two girls he was with tonight.

He was razzing the Detroit right fielder good naturedly...and loudly....."Casper."

Jhonny Peralta came to bat.

I just let loose with, "Peralta.......YOU SUCK!" It was primordial in tone. And intent.

It felt good.

I was surprised that stadium security quickly pounced on my section, and presumed the guy getting on "Casper" was the guy who shouted to Peralta that he sucked.

The guy who does the on the field bullpen security has seen me many times over the past ten years. I think he lives in a gym when he's not working A's games.

When I saw my sort of "bonded" friend was the center of security attention in the stands, I motioned to the guy I know on the field and said "it was me!"

He waved off the enforcers.

Next time Peralta came to bat....

I yelled, "Peralta, YOU SUCK!"

It was one of those nights that every whisper seemed to carry through the stadium.

I was a Safety Patrol Captain in 1966. It was a big deal, I was told at the time.

I went on a bus trip to a Cleveland Indians game with a bunch of other "Safety Patrol" elites.

I was behind home plate and started the chant, "We want The Rock."

It worked. The chant carried.

"The Rock" came to bat.

And struck out to our stunned silence.

I'm looking for our 2011 Tribe to move to 9-4 tomorrow.

Re: Idle Chatter

Donna and JR were talking in Gametime and wondering when Worldcrossing turned off.

I never tracked the time stamp on Worldcrossing relevant California time.

That last post above was when Worldcrossing was still going. I think it was midnight, or later, my time. I know when I tried to log in before 8AM California time this morning it was not opening.

Re: Idle Chatter

btw, I looked for you in the stands last night, CALI.

It is very easy to pick people out of the crowd if the telecast is in HD, which it was. But they didn't have any shots of the bullpen area when I was watching. I figured you would be there, and I noticed the sparse crowd.

Re: Idle Chatter

J.R.- - Mar 29, 2011 8:41 pm (#16 of 228)

The one constant through all the years, Ray, has been baseball. America has rolled by like an army of steamrollers. It's been erased like a blackboard, rebuilt, and erased again. But baseball has marked the time. \


Indians nix Nix

I grabbed everything in "General Discussion" from the above post to the the last one I pasted above at 6:35AM Worldcrossing time April 15th.
Last edited by Tribe Fan in SC/Cali on Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:57 pm, edited 4 times in total.