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Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:41 pm
by civ ollilavad
That leaves Smith and Korver as the only old guys left. Go ahead and trade them, too, I won't complain. They do some outside shooters, are the new guys 3 point shooters?
I'm assuming the new roster will be much younger and athletic?

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:51 pm
by Hillbilly
LeBron has been top 5 in scoring all year, and 4th in assists.

I wish everyone on the team would quit.

He's 33, he can't play balls out every night. Although he played great last night in the second end of a back to back. He's not taking a bunch of games off like he did last two years, so I just don't expect him to be going balls out every night.

The team is a hundred times better off with him than without. Period. The team should actually communicate with him and see what his plans are and what it would take to get him to finish his career there. He's a generation player and you & me may not live long enough to see the Cavs get another.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:51 pm
civ - first of all no one wants JR and his baggage....oh....and his crap contract. Barring a miracle he stays.

Korver was one of the few guys actually hustling his butt off and is still a premier 3 point shooter who compliments Lebron.

The team direction clearly is trying to balance going for it this year (and losing your worst defender IT is part of that) and also preparing for Lebron leaving by all the young additions.

These are trades for young assets who also help now.

George Hill is the only exception who is clearly just a win now addition but their point guard situation was so bad, especially defensively, that his addition is the exception.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 2:52 pm
Hillbilly wrote: The team should actually communicate with him and see what his plans are and what it would take to get him to finish his career there. He's a generation player and you & me may not live long enough to see the Cavs get another.
Agree HB but clearly he just won't commit to anything. Options open.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:05 pm
by Hillbilly
TFIR wrote:I don't agree they are ALL in - everyone they have gotten (except Hill) serves the double purpose of being very young and able to be kept.

Joe Vardon @joevardon 58 minutes ago
Dan blew up the team to keep LeBron

This is the feeling I got too. Dan added 7 million more to the luxury tax, on top of the gazillion he already was over. And longer term deals in some cases too.

But really, if they keep the Brooklyn pick not only did they make the team better and younger and hopefully more attractive to LeBron for now, but they are also better set up to deal with it if LeBron leaves.

But this is what drives me crazy about this dysfunctional relationship between LeBron and the team. They should be talking and know what's up. And if LeBron is willing to stay they absolutely need to trade that Brooklyn pick and ride this open window for next few years.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:09 pm
by Hillbilly
Can't trade Smith now I would think. LeBron loves to be surrounded by shooters, Smith and Hood should be splitting that 2 spot. And Korver off the bench at 3.

We lost a stretch guy in Frye, which will sting for a bit till Love gets back. Have to keep the shooters we got now.

Not to mentioned we traded half the roster, 6 guys, and the guys we acquired are not available for tomorrow nights game. We trade any more and you may see Austin Carr have to suit up. LOL

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:14 pm
Yeah I don't think the facts say that the team is blown up.

Clarkson, Nance, Hood (restricted) are all young assets.

Kudos to Gilbert for adding the $7 million and Sacramento wanted out of George Hill's contract. That said, Hill can also shoot from the perimeter - he is a perfect fit for this season.

Kudos to Koby Altman!!

I just don't think Gilbert and Lebron get along any more. Certainly if I were Gilbert the year to year thing would totally bother me and I have to think it bothers him.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:14 pm
by civ ollilavad
We trade any more and you may see Austin Carr have to suit up. LOL
I'd love to see No. 34 out there. Is Chones still working for them? Campy Russell still living in Beachwood?

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:15 pm
by Hillbilly
We have two open roster spots now too, so watch out for buy out market. (I was hoping Frye might get bought out and we bring him back but Lakers announced they're keeping him)

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:19 pm
by Hillbilly
Campy does the pregame show for Fox Sports Ohio!

And if we get in a pinch Vitaly Potapenko and Boobie Gibson are assistant coaches now I think.

Speaking of old timers ... everyone knows I'm a huge homer. Mark Price was my favorite player when I was a kid, but Larry Nance was my second fave. I have an autographed card here of his. And I can't say how cool it is to have his son here now. I hope he does well and sticks around for a long time.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:21 pm
by Hillbilly
Dave McMenamin @mcten 33 minutes ago
With the Cavs sending six players out and unsure all four players they acquired will be ready to play in Atlanta tomorrow, multiple team sources tell ESPN they expect two-way players London Perrantes and John Holland to suit up and play versus the Hawks

Well, I guess that works too, but not nearly as fun.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:23 pm
by Hillbilly
Sam Amico @AmicoHoops 8 seconds ago
On AmicoHoops: #Cavs expected to call up veteran center Kendrick Perkins from G League to fill one of two open roster spots. #NBA

When I asked for a tough guy in the middle I wanted one that could actually still play, but whatever. Just hammer anybody coming through for a lay up and I'll be happy.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:27 pm
by Hillbilly
Chris Fedor @ChrisFedor 12 minutes ago
I asked a #Cavs source earlier today if there were any restrictions financially on the team because of luxury tax. Was told "Dan is not scared of taking on money. But has to make sense." All these moves make sense.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:30 pm
by civ ollilavad
So if someone could give a quick rundown on:

Who are the current big guys, besides Thompson and Zizic [and injured Love]?
Who are the point guards besides Calderon?
Which of the new guys are known as tough defenders?
Which of the new guys are quick agile and athletic?
Which of the new guys are free agents this offseason?

Thank you,.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2018 3:36 pm
Hillbilly wrote:We have two open roster spots now too, so watch out for buy out market. (I was hoping Frye might get bought out and we bring him back but Lakers announced they're keeping him)
HB - I think there's now a rule that you can't bring back someone you just traded and is bought out since it happened a lot back in the day.