Re: Politics

The Press Secretary posted some articles today outlining some problems across the country with cheat by mail voting.

Included ...

Just last week an election judge in Philly was arrested for taking bribes in exchange for ballots. (might explain why Obama received 100% of the vote in one Philly district in 2012)

Thousands of unsecured ballots just found sitting in Nevada.

A postal carrier in Nevada said on the very first day ballots were mailed out, she had to keep 65 from being delivered on her route because the people had moved or died. Just one route on one day.

A bunch of South Carolina ballots were sent to people in Maryland.

A recent report found that 112% of people in Los Angeles Country were registered to vote. That's a neat trick.

Also in LA they found a "technical glitch" caused 100,000 inaccurate voter registration records to be generated. The "glitch" caused a bunch of these people to be registered for Cheat By Mai, er, I mean, Vote By Mail. 1500 of these people were not even citizens allowed to vote.

A bi-partisan commission, which included former democratic president, Jimmy Carter, found in a study that vote by mail remains the largest source for voter fraud.

A report from the Wall Street Journal showed ... "In 27 states, a voter can designate someone else to turn in their ballot. This practice leads to BALLOT HARVESTING. For example, the registrar in Orange County, CA “reported in 2018 that his office had ‘people dropping off maybe 100 or 200 ballots.’”

Dallas officials sequestered 700 suspicious ballots after “off the charts” complaints.

Yet democrats and liberal journalists continue to tell you that there is NO evidence of fraud in voting by mail.

Re: Politics

And a huge ballot harvesting scheme in Texas was just recently busted by a citizen journalist. You know, cause actual journalists won't look into this stuff so we have to start doing it ourselves. ... g-scandal/

This link contains some video, audio, and pictures of the evidence. So I would highly recommend visiting the source instead of just reading my paste below. But the gist of it is Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee paid a convicted forger for work in 2016 campaign, and seems there is evidence of some forging going on from that election.


VIDEO: Citizen Journalist Busts Democrat Mail-In Voting Nursing Home Scandal in Texas

An exclusive interview with National File

by Patrick Howley

May 26, 2020

Citizen journalist Colleen Vera has discovered evidence of what appears to be a massive voter fraud ring operating in the state of Texas involving mail-in voting and Democrat political campaigns. Evidence presented below includes a video of a Democrat campaign surrogate harvesting mail ballots from a nursing home, audio of a Democrat campaign worker admitting to harvesting ballots from a nursing home, and mail-in ballots from Harris County that all have the same handwriting and envelope process.

Vera alleges that the campaign of Democrat Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee recently paid two convicted forgers, and that other Democrat campaigns have also paid convicted forgers for canvassing efforts. I spoke to Collen Vera regarding her findings:

Colleen Vera of Texas Trash Talk Reports…

After the 2016 Democratic Primary, a candidate for Harris County Constable (Pct 3), Jasen Rabalais, filed a lawsuit claiming that a campaign worker for another candidate,Michel Pappillion, “deliberately falsified, illegally completed or unlawfully influenced the ballots and early voting applications of elderly residents in Harris County.”

The lawsuit was dismissed. But the following audio tapes had been made by the Rabalais campaign after he found out that an “alleged harvester” was working for an opponent’s campaign.

Link to Audio #1: Gives name of “alleged harvester”

Link to Audio #2: “Alleged harvester” explains the services provided (phone # redacted)

Then during the 2018 Primary, the following video was posted by Direct Action Texas. It appeared to show a campaign worker for Texas State Rep Harold Dutton Jr harvesting ballots of 400 elderly voters.

After viewing the video, I decided to do some research. I figured, if there was any evidence of mailed ballot voter fraud to be found in Harris County, the more recent one – Dutton’s race – was the best place to start.

I filed a request for public information covering the 1359 voters who voted by mail in Harold Dutton’s race. I requested electronic copies of the voters’:

applications for ballots by mail and
returned ballot carrier envelopes.

My first thought was to match each voter’s mailed ballot application with the voter’s ballot envelope and compare signatures to find those which may not match. But as I reviewed the documents, something else jumped off the page…

32 hand written applications for mailed ballots – all from different voters – but all written in the exact same handwriting.

Looking closer, something else jumped off the page.

All 32 returned their application for a ballot by mail in the same pre-printed envelope with the same style stamp.

… But then I printed out the envelopes which carried their returned ballots and the BIGGEST COINCIDENCE of ALL jumped off the page…ALL THESE VOTERS LIVED IN THE SAME PRECINCT! Precinct #259…Additional research showed this same handwriting on multiple ballot by mail applications from precinct #259 every year going back to 2008…If that wasn’t enough to cause concern, I had to title this set of applications “Alleged Harvester A” because I found two more sets of multiple applications with similar handwriting, envelopes and stamps from varying precincts. I titled those “Alleged Harvester B” and “Alleged Harvester C.”…

30 ballots from Precinct #259 – in which the voters voted for ALL the same candidates – and they ALL used the same style “X” to mark their ballots.

…I filed another public information request and received a handwritten sign out sheet for persons who had picked up packages of 50 or more applications for mailed ballots in 2018. Two concerning issues from that list.

The FIRST PERSON to pick up multiple applications for ballots by mail in 2018 is the SAME WOMAN from the 2016 audio tape who explained how she accesses nursing homes to acquire mailed ballots for candidates.
TWO of the first three persons who picked up multiple applications for ballots by mail in 2018 have FORGERY convictions…

Federal Election Commission records show that US Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee did make multiple payments to convicted forger Gloria Palmer in 2016:

Re: Politics

Joe Z:

You spent a few days appalled at the sight of Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to bear arms, carrying guns openly in an open carry state, breaking no laws.

And now you are once again totally silent after a couple days of Black Lives Matter and others protesting by destroying property, looting, attacking an old white woman in a wheel chair, starting fires, etc...

It's funny what disturbs you enough to post about.

Re: Politics

Hillbilly wrote:You expect it from politicians. But now that is all we get from some news sources. There are no more journalists. Just a whole bunch of political activists.
Conservatives = FOX serving as their machine guns spraying lies (or at least partial truths).
Liberals = CNN serving as their machine guns spraying lies (or at least partial truths).

Politics...yay. :roll:
"I've suffered a great many tragedies in my life....most of them never happened". Mark Twain

Re: Politics

I would actually have to challenge you on that statement, TFIR.

What report has Fox News hard news division got wrong in the last 4 years?

Then take that extremely small list, (I literally cannot think of one off the top of my head) and compare it to the constant barrage of misinformation that has been reported on every political story by CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and NBC the last 4 years. They have pretty much been wrong on everything.

Spraying lies? Hardly.

I was not surprised that the Mueller investigation found nothing.

I was not surprised that Kavanaugh was actually not a serial rapist.

I was not surprised to find out the articles of impeachment was an absolute joke.

I was well informed on all subjects from the beginning and knew the outcome of all that BS. Meanwhile liberal news watchers still think Trump paid to get pee'd on by Russian prostitutes.

Re: Politics

Well, You know, TFIR, I love you man. And always respect your opinions. And I’m not trying to be argumentative. But seriously. I’m a regular Fox News viewer and I’m just saying, their news reporting has been spot on.

Early on in every big story they are called Faux News, Conspiracy theorists, liars. But in the end when all facts are known they have been right.

Now let me say, Roger Ailes set the station up like a newspaper. Like their sister company, The Wall Street Journal. Which is to say, you have a hard news section and an opinion section.

Everyone knows their evening lineup are all conservative opinion shows. And they have a conservative slant to all their opinions. No argument.

But their hard news shows and reporting ... America’s Newsroom of a morning. Bill Hemmer of an afternoon. Bret Baier of an evening. Shannon Breem of a night. I’d love to see a list what kind of lies they are spaying. Cause from where I sit, or view, their news reporting has been spot on about every major story in memory.

Re: Politics

But anyway, I just popped in to say, all you gun grabbing liberals can just shut up now. After the events of the last few days your chance at confiscating guns has went out the window.

You liberal news viewers haven’t seen the community in Seattle that blocked their street with cars and stood there with weapons, and didn’t have their neighborhood pillaged and burned.

You didn’t see the Cigar store owner who had a group of young people rush into his store just to be chased out again by the owner holding a revolver. His store didn’t get looted and destroyed.

You didn’t see the convenient/liquor store owned by a family of Sikh’s who stood out front with AR-15’s and didn’t have their store looted and destroyed.

The emperor of Japan once famously said you could never invade America because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass. The 2nd Amendment is a brilliant right given to each of us. Protects us from a tyrannical government. And protects us against foreign invaders. It’s just a damn shame we need it to defend ourselves, our families, and our property from Anarchists from our own country.

I don’t own A GUN. I own a small f’n arsenal. And you have zero chance of getting any one of my guns from me. Ever. And I was once a bit open minded about it. The AR’s with the big clips. But now, not even a bit. Give me a gun with a clip that can hold as many shells as possible. Cause now I see there may be a day I need it. Now we don’t have to worry about one meth head sneaking in looking for something to buy his next fix. Now we have to worry about large groups of thugs rushing in just for a fun Saturday night.

Re: Politics

By the way, the big lie the liberal news has been shoveling the last day is that cops in DC shot tear gas into the crowd to disperse them so Trump could go get a photo op at the church.

Fact ... local DC reporter reports that Metro PD told him they shot smoke into the crowd, no irritant at all, and they did it because some in the crowd started throwing things at the officers. They didn’t even find out till several minutes later that Trump was coming.

Re: Politics

Hillbilly wrote:Well, You know, TFIR, I love you man. And always respect your opinions. And I’m not trying to be argumentative. But seriously. I’m a regular Fox News viewer and I’m just saying, their news reporting has been spot on.
Dude - love you too man and have fond memories of our Tribe Forum get togethers!

And hey, we all have our viewpoints and one thing we can agree on...we'd like to stay free enough to express and live them!

(Oh, and we DO love our Tribe!)
"I've suffered a great many tragedies in my life....most of them never happened". Mark Twain