Re: Idle Chatter

TFISC- That Ford/Remick film has some footage of Candlestick Park.

I only got to see a baseball game there once. It was back in the late 70s during a stretch I was living in Portland, Oregon. Lots of fun things going on in those days. At one point there I was working for TV Guide magazine, covering a territory that included all of Western Oregon and Western Washington. The road trips were like going on vacation. Well, except for that time a semi-truck hit my vehicle broadside on I-5 and pushed my car over a mile down the highway before realizing that he had struck anything. But that's another story.

Anyway, one year TV Guide paid for me to fly to San Francisco for a convention/conference. It still amazes me how much the behavior of the mostly male attendees acted out like one of those sixties film sex romps with Sinatra, Dino, James Garner and the like. Of course they were chasing the likes of Kim Novak.

The baseball game was a night affair vs the Dodgers. I remember little about the contest. However, I certainly remember the cold wind that gained strength with each pitch.e

Strange as it sounds, the hotel bar that night was like something from a combination of ' Moulin Rouge' and ' American Bandstand'. To this day I don't know that I have ever again been in a fairly small room that contained so many knockout females. They were all dressed to the nines- nice dresses with lots of eye candy. Their outfits were so provocative that there just had to be a fair amount of hookers present. At any one time, there were half a dozen or so of the women walking past in outfits that showed glimpses that ....well, you know.

I ended up with a full blooded Crow Indian woman who still makes me smile when I recall that night.

Ah, me.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: Idle Chatter


IMO it's hard to go wrong with shelter dogs or rescue dogs.

We currently have 2, both hybrid breeds. One seems to be mostly Gordon Setter - loves to run and chase birds & squirrels, and he's a real sweetheart in the house. He was weaned too soon and it shows in his personality and lack of self confidence, but overall he's a great dog.

The other one we got from a rescue group a few months ago, a year and a half old St. Bernard - Mastiff cross with some Red & White hound dog blended (just enough to give him a distinctive "bar-oo" type bark, albeit a very deep and menacing sounding one). He has a lot of medical problems (allergies?), and he's cost us a lot at the vet with little results so far. But his personality and intelligence make it worthwhile.

We considered getting a pup so we could start from scratch with training, etc. Getting rescue dogs does present a challenge with whatever old bad habits and problems from bad owners. We just couldn't do it with so many wonderful animals needing homes and a chance being out there.

Re: Idle Chatter

MT Fans-

Rescue/shelter dogs all the way.

I've had 3 dogs since college, all shelter rescues and each as wonderful as the others.

As to getting a 'slightly' older( Abigail, that I am considering), she's 1.5 years old(they guess) which just means she has a bit of a past. Heck, every female should have some intrigue and mystery about her.

I looked at a couple of puppies last week and quickly became convinced that skipping some of that early era can be excused.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: Idle Chatter

rocky raccoon wrote:TFISC- That Ford/Remick film has some footage of Candlestick Park.

I only got to see a baseball game there once. It was back in the late 70s during a stretch I was living in Portland, Oregon. Lots of fun things going on in those days. At one point there I was working for TV Guide magazine, covering a territory that included all of Western Oregon and Western Washington. The road trips were like going on vacation. Well, except for that time a semi-truck hit my vehicle broadside on I-5 and pushed my car over a mile down the highway before realizing that he had struck anything. But that's another story.

Anyway, one year TV Guide paid for me to fly to San Francisco for a convention/conference. It still amazes me how much the behavior of the mostly male attendees acted out like one of those sixties film sex romps with Sinatra, Dino, James Garner and the like. Of course they were chasing the likes of Kim Novak.

The baseball game was a night affair vs the Dodgers. I remember little about the contest. However, I certainly remember the cold wind that gained strength with each pitch.e

Strange as it sounds, the hotel bar that night was like something from a combination of ' Moulin Rouge' and ' American Bandstand'. To this day I don't know that I have ever again been in a fairly small room that contained so many knockout females. They were all dressed to the nines- nice dresses with lots of eye candy. Their outfits were so provocative that there just had to be a fair amount of hookers present. At any one time, there were half a dozen or so of the women walking past in outfits that showed glimpses that ....well, you know.

I ended up with a full blooded Crow Indian woman who still makes me smile when I recall that night.

Ah, me.

Nice share.....Thanks JC.

I've only been to Candlestick Park once, myself.

It was when Kelly Holcomb got nicked as The Cleveland Browns nipped The San Francisco 49er's.

But when I hear about the wind and cold at Candlestick, I think back and accept every word of every baseball broadcaster that ever talked about same. The blown fly balls, and the pitchers the wind blew off the mound.

Today was one of those days in my part of The Bay Area.

Now I don't know about the "hooker among provocatively dressed women percentage," but California does make for nice hunting grounds for a single straight guy looking for a wife.

And here's to Native American women. I'm 1/16 Shawnee, at least by my Grandmother's claim.

The Sioux girl I met in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.....and the Navajo girl I met in Winslow, Arizona.......both easily accepted my Grandmother's offerings.

By the way, if we ever go on a road trip together, I'm calling "I'll drive!"


Re: Idle Chatter

rocky raccoon wrote:TFISC- That Ford/Remick film has some footage of Candlestick Park.

I only got to see a baseball game there once. It was back in the late 70s during a stretch I was living in Portland, Oregon. Lots of fun things going on in those days. At one point there I was working for TV Guide magazine, covering a territory that included all of Western Oregon and Western Washington. The road trips were like going on vacation. Well, except for that time a semi-truck hit my vehicle broadside on I-5 and pushed my car over a mile down the highway before realizing that he had struck anything. But that's another story.

Anyway, one year TV Guide paid for me to fly to San Francisco for a convention/conference. It still amazes me how much the behavior of the mostly male attendees acted out like one of those sixties film sex romps with Sinatra, Dino, James Garner and the like. Of course they were chasing the likes of Kim Novak.

The baseball game was a night affair vs the Dodgers. I remember little about the contest. However, I certainly remember the cold wind that gained strength with each pitch.e

Strange as it sounds, the hotel bar that night was like something from a combination of ' Moulin Rouge' and ' American Bandstand'. To this day I don't know that I have ever again been in a fairly small room that contained so many knockout females. They were all dressed to the nines- nice dresses with lots of eye candy. Their outfits were so provocative that there just had to be a fair amount of hookers present. At any one time, there were half a dozen or so of the women walking past in outfits that showed glimpses that ....well, you know.

I ended up with a full blooded Crow Indian woman who still makes me smile when I recall that night.

Ah, me.
Rocky, there is a bit of Cali in us all!