Re: GameTime!™


Your tag line reminds me of a line I overheard at lunch in Des Moines, or perhaps Kansas City one day more than a few years back.

General Custer sent his trusted scout to survey the geography around Little Big Horn.

The scout came back and personally reported, "General Custer, I have good news and bad news."

General Custer answered, "give me the bad news first."

The trusted scout told him, "we are out manned and surrounded by Indians and there is no way we can fight our way out of this and survive."

General Custer paused and asked his trusted scout, "well what's the good news?"

The scout dutifully answered, "the good news is that we will not have to ride back across Nebraska again."

(just checking to see if Husker is paying attention....... :-) ......)

Re: GameTime!™

Masterson didn't have his 'A' control last night. But, wow, what great movement. He fought through those first 3 innings with the moxie of a veteran. Then he dominated one of the best offensive lineups in MLB.

Jimenez is going to have to blow my socks off for me to think anybody not named Justin Masterson should start in Game One IF the Tribe wins this silly division.

I believe Masterson is going to the level of one of the top 10 starting pitchers in baseball.

Also-Tribe reminds me of the gang led by The Artful Dodger.

Kipnis is fun to watch, but he should be ready to see very few fastballs for strikes.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: GameTime!™

rocky raccoon wrote:Masterson didn't have his 'A' control last night. But, wow, what great movement. He fought through those first 3 innings with the moxie of a veteran. Then he dominated one of the best offensive lineups in MLB.

Jimenez is going to have to blow my socks off for me to think anybody not named Justin Masterson should start in Game One IF the Tribe wins this silly division.

I believe Masterson is going to the level of one of the top 10 starting pitchers in baseball.

Also-Tribe reminds me of the gang led by The Artful Dodger.

Kipnis is fun to watch, but he should be ready to see very few fastballs for strikes.
Anyone else think that Kipnis is really older. He must have a Dominican birth certificate.