Re: GameTime!™

Nothing wrong taking fliers on some rag picks, but when they display consistent worthless production, it's time to bring on the next candidate. Experience or not, when you suck you suck. I have seen enough Durbin.

The Tribe is too young and inexperienced to let some vet suck the momentum out of the team and the flicker of interest in the fan base.

I didn't like Acta pulling Sipp.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: GameTime!™

Masterson is masterful again today. His pitch count will let him go through 7 again, if he doesn't run into some headwinds.

Asdrubal with 2 more RBI, up to 12, among the league leaders.

Santana out today against the LH. So is Hannahan.

Brantley just added his second single. LaPorta has a triple and walk. Good day for the CC trade.

Re: GameTime!™

Donnaj wrote:Was anyone there when the lights went out at WC?
I wasn't there fir the moment. I was posting past midnight my time. It was working until maybe 2am. I posted some stuff about going tothe a's game last night.

I tried to log on before 8am and it seemed gone.

One of the announcements had said noon Pacific time today would be the deadline for copying, etc. Do not think it lasted that long.