Re: General Discussion

Based on their recent history, I think Rusty is probably right. The Indians have aggressively gone after significant additions, being willing to sacrifice kids who would now be our top 3 prospects [Sheffield and Mejia and Frazier] and took on some pretty big contracts [Encarnacion]. With a very strong starting rotation and a weak division they are virtually can't miss for the playoffs so some additional offensive talent and a major league bullpen and some good luck for a change could see them go the distance, sometime in the near future [or is this only a perpetual hope?]

Re: General Discussion

I think Edwards may be a good guy to keep in our bullpen, too bad he wasn't on the roster his recovery from surgery looked successful and he could not have done any worse than the guys we threw out there. Also Cody Anderson and Salazar could ( in a Yosemite Sam voice) I say Could come back!

Re: General Discussion

If Salazar can somehow get himself together to pitch at all, he definitely belong in the pen.

He earned [well, should I say he was paid] $5,000,000 for doing nothing this season. There's another long-term deal that backfired.
He's now arbitration eligible. What is the going rate for a 28-year-old who missed the entire previous season with undiagnosed or undisclosed disabling conditions? And has won one game since Bastille Day 2017

Re: General Discussion

rusty2 wrote:The best team does not always win. All the Indians need to do is win the most games during the season. Then Boston and Houston could play each other and the Indians would need to only beat one of them.

I think it will be a very interesting, creative off season for the Tribe. I think they are going to surprise with a big offensive free agent signing if they can move on from Kipnis without having to tie a sack of dollars around his neck.

A staff of Kluber, Bauer, Carrasco, Clevinger and Bieber is pretty strong.

Nice post and totally agree. As long as we are in the weakened Central, with the rotation we have, we have a shot in a playoff series where the best team doesn't always win.

Look, Verlander and Cole were on fire, Kluber wasn't - and that was lights out for us. But it easily could have reversed.

Unfortunately it does take the interest out of the regular season for me - a la the Cavs of the past few seasons. It becomes one long warmup exhibition. And STILL you have to get hot at the right time, namely very late September and early October.

Oh well - it is what it is.
"I've suffered a great many tragedies in my life....most of them never happened". Mark Twain

Re: General Discussion

Been out of the country since mid Sept and missed all of the postseason nosedive that ended another season.
70 years and counting.
Sad, sad, sad.

So, I will wait for all the offseason moves that will attempt to fix the postseason blues.

Easy to point fingers at players and coaches that underperformed but with the Indians, it's nothing new.

All we can do is enjoy the regular season and hope a new postseason pops the champagne cork.

Re: General Discussion

Bruce Drennan was talking the other day about players who will be back next year. Names you guys have mentioned. Salazar, Anderson, et al. But he said we can only count on Salazar helping if he has an attitude change. If he starts actually wanting it. Bruce has been told by Tribe brass in the know that Salazar doesn't have a fire in his belly. Doesn't care. He got his big paycheck last year though.


As far as MLB postseason, I have come to believe in todays game it just comes down to who gets hot at the right time. In 2016, with the injuries we had, we had no business almost winning the World Series. Last year we are bounced first round, but if series were a little earlier when we were winning 22 games straight we may have won it all. What was it, 2002? The Mariners break the record for most wins in a season and get bounced in first round. There are a handfull of real good teams each year now, and just comes down to who gets hot at the right time.

Re: General Discussion

Hillbilly wrote:
As far as MLB postseason, I have come to believe in todays game it just comes down to who gets hot at the right time. In 2016, with the injuries we had, we had no business almost winning the World Series. Last year we are bounced first round, but if series were a little earlier when we were winning 22 games straight we may have won it all. What was it, 2002? The Mariners break the record for most wins in a season and get bounced in first round. There are a handfull of real good teams each year now, and just comes down to who gets hot at the right time.
Amen to that.

So you try to get there and hope Bauer doesn't get hit with a line drive. Or JRam goes ice cold at the wrong time.

Etc, etc.

And Kluber doesn't seem up to October baseball for whatever reason (fatigue, injury?) so Bauer goes to the front of that line!

Bottom line, being good gets you there. But then getting the breaks gets you further.
"I've suffered a great many tragedies in my life....most of them never happened". Mark Twain