Re: GameTime!™

The combined stats of our 4 starters are great; they are all in the top 10 of almost everything that matters. Combined record of 57-28. Add in Beieber and they're 66-31. Meanwhile the bullpen W-L is 10-20. Or maybe it's 10-21 since I think one of Tomlin's losses was in relief.

Re: GameTime!™

Nice to give Brian Barnes a shot at returning to the majors. He returns the favor with his first big league homer in over 3 years.
Nice to give Jon Edwards a shot at returning to the majors. Too bad he gave up a 3 run homer and put us out of contention.
Nice to see forum favorite Thomas Pannone getting his shot in the majors; disregarding one atrocious game he's pitched 20 2/3 innings, allowed only 4 runs. We got Guyer for him and Samad Taylor who's making no progress in Class A

Re: GameTime!™

Good cause to make that Snell should be front runner for the AL CY. The one thing he doesn't do is finish games but 104 pitches in 7 innings was enough. He's only 23rd in innings pitched.

Now leads the league in wins. His ERA is 0.10 behind Sale
He's second after Sale in BA against
He's 4th after Sale Verlander and Kluber in WHIP

This would have been Bauer's if hadn't got whacked. Of course the same could be said for Sale if he hadn't been hurt. And Corey if he hadn't blown up yesterday..