Re: General Discussion

If the starting pitching goes a bit creaky, then the pressure ramps up on the bullpen. At that point, you'd better have reinforcements ready on the farm.

Our pitching depth I like and I believe it will continue to carry us. We have Gomez and MacAllister in the rotation at Columbus who are doing very well and Gomez has major league experience. For bullpen depth we have Judge Judy, Zach Putnam, Nick Hagadone (he may be the best of the bunch), and Carlton Smith, plus Adam Miller is now at AA.

You can make an arguement for getting a veteran starting pitcher and as we hit the dog days of summer, a veteran inning eater may be essential. However, I believe not getting one is an acceptable risk. However, I really do believe we need another bat, especially with Hafner on the shelf and likely needing one or two days off a week once we get him back.

My preference would be for only one of Duncan, Buck, and Kearns (most likely Duncan) to be on the 25 man roster.

Re: General Discussion

For the short term the team should DFA Kearns and bring up Phelps. Phelps can get a shot at helping out at DH and spelling A-Cab and O-Cab.

We lose Kearns and we still have five outfielders on the roster and Phelps has the potential to inject some life into the offense in the short term while the club evaluates trade options and waits for Hafner to get back.

Shapiro's patience can be a strength in that he isn't prone to panic type moves but it is also a weakness in that he sometimes waits too long and doesn't move when he needs to. MS needs to be pushing Antonetti to get another bat. Until that happens, let's see what Phelps can do for us.

Re: General Discussion

TG- That sounds worth a try.

Shapiro and Antonetti need to realize the team has a chance to stay in the pennant race with some help from the front office. Bring up a kid and see if you find a hot bat.

One more dud from Talbot and I'd replace with someone from the farm.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: General Discussion

I'd agree to the Phelps for Kearns move. Cord is hitting for power as well as average and as usual drawing a ton of walks. Also setting personal tops for strikeouts as well as being ineffictive as a basestealer: 1/6. These stats seem to add up to mean: he's really really trying everything he can to be an offensive plus and get himself noticed. We now notice him.

Re: General Discussion

Can Kearns be released?

One of the things I have noticed is that before we were playing good defense and our heads were in the game. Now the errors are piling on and some very obvious brain farts. Acta has got to get the team's head back in the game and pay attention to what is going on! Maybe Manny needs to read them the story of the Little Engine that Could?

Re: General Discussion

How much longer does Manny go coming up with excuses and start being a little tougher about the breakdown in fundamentals.

If the club can't take a bit of sharp tongue lashing from the manager, then they certainly can't survive any kind of pennant race.

OC is supposed to be a player that shows the others the right way to play the game. His play typifies the current overall team malaise.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: General Discussion

From Ken Rosenthal:

Orlando Cabrera's impact is "very difficult to quantify," Indians GM Chris Antonetti tells Rosenthal. You have to wonder if O-Cab could provide the same intangibles off the bench, allowing the Tribe to start Cord Phelps or Jason Kipnis at second base.
" I am not young enough to know everything."

Re: General Discussion

As far as I am concerned they can DFA Kearns. I advocated for signing him in the offseason but he's not getting it done and he's gotten just as many opportunities as Duncan and Buck.

Duncan is doing his job - he's killing left handers to the tune of a .928 OPS plus he's hitting .314 with runners on base and he's 4 for 5 as pinch hitter.

Buck is hitting .296/.321/.481 against right handers and he's hitting .323 with runners on. However, his 2 walks in 63 total at bats (54 against right handers) tell me all I need to know - play him too much and the holes in his swing get exposed.

Duncan and Buck are great guys and are useful WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS. Play them too much and it hurts us. We need another bat and we need one now. Phelps is the best guy we've got at AAA so bring him up. While he's busy showing us what he's got explore trade options.

Shapiro's statement about letting Antonetti make a trade if the club is still in it at the end of July is total BS. The team is contention now and it needs help now. This is not the time for a wait and see approach.