Re: General Discussion


As you may know my wife is from Detroit. Between the Tigers and Pistons it's caused many a sore moment between us in recent years.

This year she proposed that we try to root for each others teams when they're not playing each other. I agreed, but never made it through the 1st inning of the 1st Tiger game I watched. I told her I'm sorry, I can root for the Lions no problem when they're not playing my beloved Browns, but the Tigers and Pistons, just too many years hating them. Can't make myself even act as if I'm rooting for them.

Re: General Discussion

My step dad asked me the other day what team Indians fans hated the most.

I told him for old timers it might be the Yankees, but I would guess for the current generation it would be the White Sox.

Maybe I'm wrong, I dunno, but my hatred for the %$#@!& ChiSox goes to a different level than the Tigers, Yanks, etc..

Re: General Discussion

Manny Acta made a superb managerial decision today in having and letting Travis Buck bat late in the game.


Yes, the Yankee hatred has grown hollow with specific regard to Cleveland baseball. We just don't play them enough to have a significant impact on our season...lest me make October baseball.

For me, I usually hate any team playing us on game day.

And I always applaud any division foe going down.

With a nod to John Hart, just be happy with a plan to get to October baseball then grip it and rip it.

Re: General Discussion

TFIR wrote:
I think Acta brings more of a National League approach to managing than anyone the Tribe has had in recent memory.
I do agree with that.

BUT, that said, that is the direction baseball in general is going these days.

If Acta managed in the AL, during the 90s like Hargrove, he likely might have done the same thing. Steroid-era.
IMO, this is the most important thing out there. The tribe would never be in this position if roids were still a major part of baseball. The game is moving back into a 80's style. Pitchers aren't holding runners as well, catching is becoming an offensive position, and speed is becoming more of a premium. Argue all you want about Grover, Wedge, or Acta. Reality is, they all managed differently b/c the game was played different for each.
Keep riding the wave. Last at bat, first at bat, doesn't matter. Just win!

Re: General Discussion

I hate the Red Sox, I hate the White Sox, and I hate the Tigers. My hatred for those teams is deep.

The Yankees - I hate the Yankees but the Yankees winning is like changing your kid's diaper. It's disgusting, it's gross, you hate it, but over time you become numb to it...

Re: General Discussion

Tribe Guy wrote:Anybody know Nick Johnson's status? With Hafner injured I was thinking he could help out once he's healthy...
Russell Branyan is available...

From Pluto: The Indians signed Nick Johnson in spring training for just such a time as Friday when Travis Hafner was placed on the disabled list. Johnson, however, just started playing games in extended spring training after surgery on his right wrist. He's not an option right now.

Re: General Discussion

DonSurber wrote:CIV: Could you imagine Herb Score announcing a pop up into the shallow OF with Cabrera, Cabrera and Carrera all converging on the ball?

Let's really mess with their heads and trade for Detroit's first baseman -- and fave Carrasco start each game
Maybe we could talk Wil Cordero into non retiring, he is a professional hitter you know.