Re: General Discussion

Not sure how many times this Indians team has been given up for dead, by me as well as everyone, or nearly everyone here. 81-68 is one heck of a lot better than I possibly imagined. Very satisfying season no matter the final results.

I have even stopped complaining about Cabrera. He's not hitting singles or doubles, but he's been our big home run threat in September and using with men on base.

Re: General Discussion

So what ? Why do you have to run everything down ? Francona has done a fantastic job with a front office that 100% supports him. That was not the case in Boston after their 2 World Series victories and the front office and ownership were fighting over who should get credit.

The real bottom line is this though. Francona wants to be in Cleveland !!!!!!!!!!!!

Something you take for granted....

Re: General Discussion

Bottom line in this totally unexpected hissy fit panties in a wad exchange around these parts is "will Cleveland make the post season?"

If I was in Vegas and such a bet was offered, I'd offer "nay,"

Swish and Cabs got dumb and out of shape with their prior earnings as each is way below .250, and neither is the reincarnation of Dave Kingman.

(Shaps boys in the front office are now googling Dave Kingman.)


Re: General Discussion

Another interesting thing to come of this's the first time that myself and a friend from Kansas City whom I've known for 18 some odd years, have actually been able to exchange meaningful smack talk in important games in September.

It's well beyond the normal regular season banter we've had when the teams have played before....since most of them were, in the grand scheme of things, meaningless.

I'm restraining from the usual venom I reserve for the Boston, Yankees, Detroit, and Pittsburgh fans. It may escalate to a Bengals, Reds level though.
Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everyone you meet.

Re: General Discussion

We've lost two late season series to Kansas City. Bet no one saw that coming on their optimistic prognostications on the "soft" September schedule?

Houston is coming to town. Yes, they have a baseball team.

Fortunately Earl Campbell does not play for them, nor is Bum Phillips a coach. Nor does Pastorini play QB, or do punting duties. (I'm old but have a much better and quick memory than "Rust" Man o' rini as he likely was affected by growing up in Youngstown shadows and the shadows of Western PA).

Tribe HAS to go 3-1 against Houston. HAS to. Otherwise the guys will lose mo for the other seemingly easy series against Chicken in the Car and The Car Can't Go Town ("Chicago" for you whippersnappers) and then watch the scoreboard futilely in the late season cold of Minne-a no place in the final cold and dreary weekend of the 2013 season as travel plans are made for the team players to scatter and go golfing or something.

And I guess Shaps will book a cruise....a nod to KenM.

3-1. It's crystal clear to me. Too many other teams are sniffing at the wild card for anything else to be acceptable for a post season Tribe drive.

Re: General Discussion

rusty2 wrote:I guess you want banned from this board too.

Nope. I just look for different views and opinions to express.

Stuff not eaten and consumed and spitted out as "reporting" when we all know the local scribes are dependent upon organizational folks for quotes, and dare not rock the boat as they need their next paycheck and as YOU have cited for years here now....the government of Cleveland has presided over a ruined economy...and I'll chime in with a ruined society.

Baron posted elsewhere about the trade here, but I was flabbergasted by the pre Game Three trade of former number one Trent Richardson who was the near unanimous #1 pick of those on the Browns Board before that draft.

This Haslam (crook?) organization passed on draft picks in 2013, and now have mailed in the season with 14 to go.

Only in Cleveland.

I haven't even checked the guaranteed money the likely to be indicted Haslam offloaded in the Richardson trade.

I predict the trade of Richardson will go down in Cleveland Fandom with the stories of former Cleveland Indians Rocky Colavito, Roger Maris, and Norm Cash after leaving Cleveland.

At least for Trent, the directions were clear. Head down I-71 and hang a right at I-70.

Richardson will produce insanely good Fantasy Football stats when coupled with Luck in the backfield. For those who care about such.

It could be a real dismal Sunday on the last Sunday in September in Cleveland.

Richardson is likely to run wild and well for his new team.

And The Indians will not make the playoffs the same day and the season will be over.

$25 million to Swish and Cabs for next season as "hope" for the future.