Re: GameTime!™

This team is coming around.....

(no whitewalls offended in this particular post)

No credit from me is given to Mark Shapiro after his near quarter century drinking from the Indians Fan trough to get his salary.

If Mark Shapiro would have heard or read the name Ariel Castro from a scouting report, Mark would have likely thought he was another Hispanic his Ivy League upbringing needed to ignore.

Nothing against Mark, as apparently just about everyone in Cleveland with Obama Phones and no intelligence and locked doors in precincts that voted over 99 percent for Barack Obama failed to notice....... over a decade that three young girls were being held captive in the house on the same or adjacent block.

In Obamaland.

Tribe is playing good recently, just the same.

Re: GameTime!™

It looked like a definite Home Run. But there have been times we have been screwed on calls.

Also it would have only tied the game, nothing says A's would have won. MLB TV seems to emphasize the game was "stolen" from them.

Just remember the Jeter HR.

Crap happens.

Re: GameTime!™

As I scrolled throuigh a couple days posts here I found a complaint from earlier in the week about the quality of the umpiring. I by contrast think they did a great job last night. In fact, if we happen to edge out the Athletics by 1 game to make the wild card round, I think Angel Hernandez deserves a playoff share and his crewmates get to share one, too.