
I hope everyone will add an avatar to their posts here. You can do that with the User Control Panel --> Profile. Pics have to be small (100x100 pixels) but you can easily resize them at http://www.resizr.com/

If you need help, just ask. Or you can email me or send me a PM here with your login info and the pic you want to use, and I will set it up for you.

Thank you!

Re: Avatars


I never used that resizer site so can't help you there, but maybe this will help...

When I find a pic I want to use I right click on it and save it to my computer.

Then I go to that pic where it is saved, right-click on it and open it using the "Edit" feature.

When that box opens the picture up, on the top bar you will see a "Resize" button.

Click on that and you can enter whatever size you want to shrink it to. Like 70% of it's former size. Or 50 or whatever.

Then click on "Save" at the top. ... Or close out the picture and it will ask you if you want to save it. Just be sure to save it somehow when finished.

Not sure, it may be a more complicated process than that site that J.R. recommends, but it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks and this is the way I've always done it.

Re: Avatars

Avatars, bah. I'd rather go without. I did spend some time just now making a 100 x 100 image of the 3 little Indians converging on and missing a fly ball from a few years back but it got bounced for being bigger than 10k.

Pfffffffft, the heck with it

Re: Avatars

<--- Does anyone happen to remember details of this incident? I'm pretty sure the ball ended up dropping. The characters look like Jhonny and Grady center and right, but who is that on the left? Don't think it was Sandy, despite what the uniform number looks like ...

edit: Ok after a little digging I'm guessing it was Mike Rouse, playing 3B in a game versus the Phillies in June 2007. ... Mike Rouse, I'd completely forgotten that name.