Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Does Lebron James Have a Secret Love Child with Sharon Reed…?
July 2nd, 2012, lilD

Uh oh….Lebron might be in trouble….! The Word Eye Heard is, he has a secret love child with former Cleveland TV news reporter Sharon Reed! If that’s true, the secret’s out!

If you remember when the Miami Heat won the NBA championship a few weeks ago, Lebron’s fiance Savannah didn’t immediately join her boo on the court. Dwyane Wade’s kids, and Chris Bosh’s newborn and wife, were on the court celebrating before the clock even ran out. And poor Lebron was looking around like “where’s my family?”

And when Savannah and the kids joined Lebron on the court, Savannah didn’t look very enthused.

Welp, if reports are true, Savannah was pissed because Lebron is a daddy again…and she’s not the mother!

According to published reports, the alleged baby mama is former WOIO Cleveland TV reporter Sharon Reed. Lebron is supposedly cashing her out to keep the love child out of the public eye.

WOIO allegedly fired her after she went on maternity leave in December because she violated the morals clause in her contract.

Sources close to Reed say everyone knew about her and Lebron’s relationship; they’ve been messing around for years. It got so heated than the Cavaliers management asked WOIO to stop letting Reed cover Cavs home games.

Reed tried to pin her pregnancy on a boyfriend that popped up out of nowhere, but no one believed that. Sharon isn’t in a hurry to find another job; Lebron is paying all her bills.

Reed now lives with her baby in Miami, where she once worked as a reporter/anchor for WSVN-TV. Pretty peculiar she’d move to Miami, huh…

Savannah joined LeBron full-time in Miami last year. And when the rumors of James’ secret love child reached Savannah’s ears, he quickly proposed to her. Just days later, Reed was fired from her job.

Lebron isn’t the only celebrity Sharon has “dated.” She’s also been connected to actor Robert DeNiro and Philadelphia Eagle quarterback Donovan McNabb.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Great recap if you did not listen to the interview.

Windy was on WKNR this morning, here is a recap:

-Cavs were in an interesting position with a top 4 pick and 3 other draft picks. They could move up or down and the Cavs allowed Windy to go into the war room.
-Windy was there the whole draft. The Cavs thought the Bobcats made a deal with another team during the draft. There was no conversation when the Bobcats were on the clock. The Cavs thought they were going to make a deal but they thought the Bobcats used the Cavs offer to up someone else's offer. The Cavs were frustrated because they thought they got outbid.
-The Cavs would have taken MKG at #2 or Waiters at #4. It came down to Barnes vs. Waiters and they decided on Waiters. Once MKG was gone, it became Waiters.
-He said imagine the amount of work and research you think the Cavs did and take it 4 levels further, thats how much work they did on Waiters and the #4 pick. The further research they did on players, the more Waiters came up. Byron was in love with him.
-The Cavs interviewed other players from the Big East and they asked who was the toughest player they went up against last year, a lot of players said Dion Waiters. The depth of the research goes way beyond his numbers and playing time.
-Waiters coming off the bench, his minutes or basic stats did not matter one iota to the Cavs. Grant and Co. spent countless hours and dollars (hundreds of thousands) into the draft process and were constantly traveling. Windy mentioned he ran into Chris Grant twice during the year on the road.
-The Cavs didn't do this because of shock value or risk, they spent a lot of time making this pick. The Cavs liked Thomas Robinson, he would've been a serious possibility if we didnt have TT. MKG, Waiters, Beal and Barnes were the four guys on the board.
-When we compare the draft picks, it will be Barnes vs. Waiters because thats who the Cavs were deciding between.
-The talks with GS had to do with the Cavs moving back to #7, because the Warriors would have taken Barnes at #4 but the Warriors didn't have a lot of assets and were not offering enough.
-The Cavs never met with Waiters and Windy thought it was interesting. The Cavs value meeting players one on one. When players are brought in to work out, the work outs themselves dont matter, its actually meeting with the guys and talking to them. Each player brought in goes to dinner twice, once with the coaching staff and one with the front office. They value getting to know these guys.
-Windy thinks that the the Cavs maybe felt so strongly about Waiters, they thought a meeting wasn't worth having. The Cavs didnt have a meeting with Zeller either but they had a lot more information on him.
-The Cavs were excited about getting Zeller because no draft picks were getting moved around (2 deals all night). When Leonard went #11, the Cavs had Zeller slated there. The Cavs had Zeller top 12 on their draft board and to get him at 17 was great to the Cavs and he will play right away.
-Teams not meeting with players happens all the time. The Cavs did stick their neck out here but if Barnes didn't work out, the Cavs wouldn't be criticized, it would have been Barnes getting the flack. If Waiters doesn't work out, then its on the Cavs. This is because people spent two years watching Barnes and knew who he was, since Waiters is unknown, the flak goes to the Cavs.
-This has been seen throughout the NBA, teams have a direct decision to make (one or the other). OKC is an example about them taking Russ Westbrook and that no one thinks twice about it. When they took Russ, people said the Thunder were going backwards but no one says anything now.
-Everyone in the draft room were comfortable with Waiters. Dan Gilbert trusts his guys and you dont know what decision will make or break a teams future. The Cavs needed to get a star out of this draft and they are trying to hit a home run with Waiters. Chris Grant knows his tenure will be decided on what he does on draft night. Last year he got 2 of the top 10 players in the draft and they feel like they got 2 of the top 11 players in this draft.
-The organization feels Waiters was the correct pick. It was not a willy nilly pick, they really did their homework, they felt Waiters was the best choice at #4. Their process led them to this pick.

There was other stuff discussed about LBJ and Dwight Howard but nothing too interesting. Also, Windy is a free agent as his contract with ESPN is up but he didn't say what his plans were.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Rusty2: yep, no surprise that I hated where Cavs went altho I would now describe it more as dislike. Just checked Dion's stats, he had 9 games where he shot less than .300. That's a whole bunch of games for such bad output. Not interested in #4 pick for that production, but perhaps his game better matches up with pro game. But he is a bit undersized, wasn't interviewed, didn't play man to man....that's a lot of strikes.

As far as TT working on his game, that shouldn't be a novel concept for a pro. TT improved, but he still had only .5 assists a game, and couldn't hit a mid range jumper....if he can't shoot form 10-15 feet then he shouldn't be picked as #4.

As to Jonas....only watched him on youtube and read countless critics comments. What I have read suggests they have similar offensive games but that he is physical, hence I would give him the edge. More to the point, we knew this year would have a host of PFs coming out; but few centers. that was one good reason why picking Jonas made more sense on the long run.

Frankly, I hope I am dead wrong, but I would take Jonas, Robinson, JonesIII, Crowder and Barton over TT, Waters & Zeller

Bottom line, I think Grant is a pure risk taker in the draft rather than letting it come to him.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Jay Jay, let me say this. I still think that the Cavs were drafting TT to trade to Charlotte for their 2 picks in the 2011 draft. Toronto got in the way by drafting JV at # 5 when the Cavs knew that Wash was going to take Vecsley at #6.

I might be totally wrong but I still believe it.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

jayjay7 wrote:Rusty2: yep, no surprise that I hated where Cavs went altho I would now describe it more as dislike. Just checked Dion's stats, he had 9 games where he shot less than .300. That's a whole bunch of games for such bad output. Not interested in #4 pick for that production, but perhaps his game better matches up with pro game. But he is a bit undersized, wasn't interviewed, didn't play man to man....that's a lot of strikes.

As far as TT working on his game, that shouldn't be a novel concept for a pro. TT improved, but he still had only .5 assists a game, and couldn't hit a mid range jumper....if he can't shoot form 10-15 feet then he shouldn't be picked as #4.

As to Jonas....only watched him on youtube and read countless critics comments. What I have read suggests they have similar offensive games but that he is physical, hence I would give him the edge. More to the point, we knew this year would have a host of PFs coming out; but few centers. that was one good reason why picking Jonas made more sense on the long run.

Frankly, I hope I am dead wrong, but I would take Jonas, Robinson, JonesIII, Crowder and Barton over TT, Waters & Zeller

Bottom line, I think Grant is a pure risk taker in the draft rather than letting it come to him.

I think you're dead wrong on every count.

If you want a GM who drafts straight off of Hollinger's (or any other draft analyst's) mock then why even have a GM?

Let's see what TT can do after a full off-season of working his ass off, as he has been doing. He'll be stronger this year. He'll very likely have improved his 15 footer and his low post game, as he has been working relentlessly on them all off-season.

I had no idea who Waiters was but the more I look the more I like. You cherry pick his stats from his worst 9 games and judge him from that? Quite frankly that's BS. Did you look at his best 9 games as well? Because if you take his total average stats per 40 minutes he was better than any of the guys you wanted to draft including Beal. He is a lock to be a proficient scorer in the NBA and he's going to be excellent in tandem with our R.O.Y. point guard. Ford has Waiters listed as second most likely to be R.O.Y behind Davis, That's not exactly chopped liver as you make him out to be. Just because he wasn't hyped in the press doesn't mean anything.

And, here's a bold prediction for you. Zeller will be a better center than JV. There, I said it, write it down if you want.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

rusty2 wrote:I have no idea about JV but I must say I am a big fan of Zeller ever since watching him against Kentucky a few years ago. He has some skills and toughness.
I agree JV is somewhat of a wild card. But compare the two one quality at a time and Zeller compares quite favorably.

Height and length? Check.
Runs the floor well? Check.
Rebounding? Check.
Shot blocking? From what I've seen, maybe advantage JV but who really knows?
All around offensive game? Advantage Zeller.

It's hard to compare someone who spent their whole career in the Euro leagues versus the highest level of the NCAA. But there's no way anyone should sell the NCAA guy short as far as competition, and last time I checked North Carolina does a pretty good job getting guys ready for the NBA. The Euro leagues have been a mixed bag when it comes to that.

I say they're two very comparable players no matter how you slice it, and I honestly think Zeller will have the edge in the NBA.

But one other thing - spending a #17 pick versus what, a # 5 or whatever JV was? HUGE advantage Zeller, value-wise.
Last edited by MtFan on Thu Jul 05, 2012 5:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Mt Fan:

I agree thare is a definite similarity between JV and Zeller, altho JV is a bit younger. I am hopeful they are similar in production too. Offensively I think they will be in range of each other, question may well end up who is the better defender.

As to Waiters, I did look at his stats and compared them with a few of the top drafted players. I avoided who had the better games because I didn;t think it was faior to Waiters. Specifically, he had very few high end games, which generally I would attribute to the amount of his play time. My bigger concern was that he had trouble against the Big East, whose defenders are arguably closer to NBA defenders. What I do like about the pick actually hasn't been talked about a great deal. Waiters ability to drive should free up Kyree for some long distance shooting. That I believe is a major plus because Anthony Parker sure didn't create much for Kyree.

As I mentioned I am less critical of this draft, particularly after spending several hours looking at the other top 10 players.

I think Grant though drafted expressly for need and think we are better drafting the BPA. I hope that TT will become a very good player because we need that, especially for soem intangible reasons; that is, there is a much better chance Kyree stays long term with Cavs if the players from these past 2 drafts are also stars or near stars.

By the way, read a post on that talked about Ersan coming to Cavs, and then Grant packaging AV for Gay. Now that would be really exciting to watch but they may have to pay too much to get Ersan to start with.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Cavs could assist in Nets' deal for Howard
Sources indicate that the Cavs have entered into negotiations with the Nets and Magic in a three-team deal that would send Kris Humphries to Cleveland and finally put Dwight Howard in Brooklyn. (Howard Smith-US PRESSWIRE)
Sam Amico

Sam Amico covers the Cavaliers and an array of other topics for His national NBA columns run twice each week on Prior to joining FOX, Amico wrote for He is a native of Akron and began his journalism career at daily newspapers ranging from West Virginia to Wyoming.

NBA free agency is more than a week old, and the Cavaliers have yet to make a peep.

But multiple sources told FOX Sports Ohio all of that could change within the next 24 hours — as the Cavs are said to hold the keys to a three-team trade that would send All-Star center Dwight Howard from the Magic to the Nets.

If the discussed deal goes through, as many as 10 players could be involved. That includes Nets forward Kris Humphries, who would come to the Cavs in a sign-and-trade agreement.

Multiple news outlets have also reported the potential trade.

Along with Humphries, the Cavs might also be seeking Nets guard MarShon Brooks and a first-round draft pick as part of the package, sources told FOX Sports Ohio late Sunday.

However, one source indicated the Cavs may not be the only team acting as a facilitator.

“(The Cavs) may be the best option, but they aren’t the only option,” he said. The source refused to elaborate or name other possible teams.

Howard enters free agency at the end of the upcoming season, and he has made it clear his preferred team is the Nets — who will play their first season in Brooklyn in 2012-13. The Nets are equally enamored with Howard, but have been unable to offer a deal lucrative enough to entice the Magic. Adding a third team such as the Cavs may help speed up the process.

Humphries, 27, is 6-feet-9 and entering his ninth season. He spent the previous three with the Nets and set career highs in points (13.8), rebounds (11.0) and blocked shots (1.2) this past season.

He is currently an unrestricted free agent, able to sign with any team without the Nets receiving compensation. If a deal is to be completed, Humphries would come to the Cavs in a sign-and-trade deal in which he would receive a one-year contract, sources said.

Sources also told FOX Sports Ohio that a possible sticking point may be the Cavs’ unwillingness to take Humphries if he signs a contract that exceeds one year, as well as their insistence on receiving a first-round draft pick.

Talk of the deal comes on the heels of the Orlando Summer League and during practice sessions for Team USA, of which Nets guard Deron Williams is a member. Nets general manager Billy King will reportedly attend Monday’s practice in Las Vegas to watch Williams, potentially delaying a trade.

The Cavs already own two first-rounders in 2013 — their own, as well as either the Heat’s or the Lakers’ (whichever is higher). The Lakers’ pick belongs to the Suns as part of the recently agreed-upon Steve Nash trade.

Magic officials are expected to meet Monday morning and discuss the particulars of the proposed trade. The Magic just hired a new GM in Rob Hennigan, who has already conducted a face-to-face meeting with Howard. They are also in the middle of a coaching search to replace Stan Van Gundy.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

MtFan wrote: The Cavs already own two first-rounders in 2013 — their own, as well as either the Heat’s or the Lakers’ (whichever is higher). The Lakers’ pick belongs to the Suns as part of the recently agreed-upon Steve Nash trade.

This paragraph makes it look like the Lakers traded that pick twice. What am I not understanding here?

The thing I don't understand about this Howard story is why the Cavaliers are involved at all. I get that Orlando and Brooklyn need a third party with a lot of cap space, but there has to be a team other than the Cavs that has that space and also has an actual need for Humphries.

Re: Cleveland Cavaliers

Thank god for the NBA. Just imagine if all we had sportswise to concern ourselves with during the time between the browns draft and the opening of training camp was the dreadful Dolans. At least now we can find out whether we are getting Kardashian's ex and whether the reason they kicked the reporters out of the Olympic scrimmage was they didnt want any more footage of Kyrie embarrassing the Olympians.