Re: GameTime!™

husker wrote:TFSC or Cali if you prefer:

As I was saying, we are not a good ball club. All we are missing is hitting & pitching!
It has not been fun losing series to freaking Cincy and Pittsburgh.

I won't broad stroke knock the offense as Brantley had his banjo hitting streak, and Kipnis and Cabrera are more than holding their own in the offensive stats. That's at least 33% of our starting lineup hitting acceptably.

Our pitching has had spots of sunshine, too.

And, July is less than 2 weeks away and we are still just two good days out of First Place.

I'm pushing 60.

In my years of Indians Fandom I'll take 1.5 games out of first in late June and still be optimistic. The front office DOES have some tinkering to do though.

Re: GameTime!™

I was watching today's game on my iPhone at the gym. Pittsburgh was scoring runs in lumps before I could finish just three reps on just one of my 12 machines today. Suffice to say that watching The Indians did not make today's gym work go with ease, pleasure or satisfaction.

I'll make it up tomorrow.

There's always another game to play.

Re: GameTime!™

Was in Cleveland yesterday for the second time in the last 11 years. Saw a big crowd heading toward the ball park but as I had another obligation couldnt go. Dont know why the attendance is so poor except for the fact that the fans dont trust the dolans. There seemed to be plenty of tribe fans and the game was on in every establishment I went into. Cleveland looked very much the same except Van Aken shopping center has basically gone away. I guess they have Legacy whatever now.

Re: GameTime!™

TFSC - We are in the weakest division in the major leagues. Just look where the White Sox and Indians would be in the other divisions. All that being said, I am encouraged by what I see. Looking at the anemic batting averages one can see why they drafted Naquin. I did hear our lady reporter talk about Marson changing the position of one of hands and has been hitting over .400 since. The last I saw he was hitting .259 and hopefully will continue to rise. Santa is down to about .225. I hope this is just a short term sophomore slump. I'm looking forward to seeing Sizemore and Carnandez (poor attempt at a joke) joining the team. I can't give up on the tribe after 64 years.

Re: GameTime!™

Damon gives up a 2 run error to allow Phillips to get an inside the park HR to tie the score at 7 each..

I've totally had it watching Damon's corpse play. The guy is so far beyond worthless. He acted hurt, I could only hope it would be a season ending injury for Damon but apparently he stayed in?

Lowe is pitching like toast lately as well.

Good thing we're hitting the ball tonight, we better keep it up.