Re: Idle Chatter

I have Cheap Trick on a PBS show at the moment.

I remember parking my car a day in advance to get gas at a gas station in Miami when when they had one of their hits.

I also remember an 18 year old girl four years younger than me at the time who had a Dad that was a VP for Air Canada. She LOVED Saskatoon, and swore to a non-believing me that it was Heaven.

She also introduced me to The Cars that year.

And then one late morning after her parents had gone to work and I went over to "prep" for our day of fun at the beach, her ex boyfriend leaped through a screen in an open window and grabbed a hockey stick from her brother's room and caught me buck naked in her room.

I've always been proud of myself for getting out of that one.

It's a challenge to fight or talk crap to an easy solution and you are naked and trying to deflect an enraged Hispanic jilted guy with a hockey stick.

I did end up taking her to the beach that day.

Re: Idle Chatter

Our "roof rats" are back. I reluctantly took down the bird feeder yesterday and scooped up all the seed I normally let rest on the ground for the doves who have visited us in many pairs daily for several years.

Two nights ago I raised the blind after twilight and spied three roof rats feasting in our apparent feed trough.

One was big, one was really big, and one was a baby.

I laughed my arse off as my wife left to work out and the small shrub tree above her shook as a rat leaped from limb to roof.

My wife didn't laugh.

Yesterday evening I set traps.

This morning, one trap was gone. I hate to harm living things, but I currently make exceptions for rodents, venomous snakes and man eating sharks.

I think I dinged the big one and he left the area.

I'm in Bill Murray/Caddyshack mode.

I'll check in a bit out the window and if I see any rat activity I have full beer cans and baseballs ready for the stun......and a hoe on the side.

Re: Idle Chatter


(i love this part.. its absolutely amazing!)

Last edited by joez on Thu Sep 01, 2011 8:59 am, edited 2 times in total.
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Re: Idle Chatter

Answer in a minute!
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Re: Idle Chatter

WRONG, THERE ARE 6 -- no joke.


Really, go Back and Try to find the 6 F's before you scroll down.
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Re: Idle Chatter

The reasoning behind is further down.

The brain cannot process "OF".
“Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is.”
-- Bob Feller

Re: Idle Chatter

Obviously, TFISC must have been trying to get rid of the evidence of his conquests.

Last updated: September 1, 2011 9:43 a.m.
1,700 panties found along Ohio road

Associated Press
LANCASTER, Ohio – Authorities in central Ohio are trying to solve a panties puzzle: why hundreds of pairs of mostly women’s underwear were dumped along the side of a road.

Fairfield County Deputy Gary Hummel said Thursday that the undergarments were found in trees and on hillsides in several spots this week on a road in Berne Township, about 30 miles southeast of Columbus.

He said some of the panties were still folded the way they’d come in packaging, while others appeared to have been worn. There were nearly 1,700 pairs in all, in a mix of colors and patterns. Hummel says when collected, they filled 10 large trash bags.

He says investigators are “baffled” as to where the panties came from.

Re: Idle Chatter


I thought about that fetish/"notch in the stick" in my early years, but realized enough environmentally sensitive bags were not easily available in those tossed the thought to the wind....

I think that Ohio panty discovery might make for a good episode of Criminal Minds down the road....


Actually and really, I'm on the "prank" angle for the numerous panty discovery.

My wife's question was, "who counted them?"

Re: Idle Chatter

J.R. wrote:Wow, I haven't heard THAT song in a while! Not played on the oldies stations.

Which leads me to a story from this past Thursday.....

A few weeks ago while surfing the radio dial in my truck looking in vain for the NASCAR race or a baseball game I discovered an oldies station broadcasting on AM 1550 here. It wasn't the canned and heavily programmed "oldies" of the big corporate radio of today. It sounded like the DJ really digging back into his personal collection in his "stacks of wax."

I found the station format refreshing and locked it in.

On Thursday (September 1) I had appointments about 12 miles away. I hit the station as I backed out of my driveway and a song started playing that I had never heard before. It played for all of the 5 minutes it took me to hit the entrance ramp to I-680 and I still couldn't figure out the era, genre or words. I'm rarely stumped on oldies (late 50's to early 70's, at least). I didn't like what I was hearing, but I hung just to find out what the heck it was.

The darned song played for another several minutes as I drove towards my meetings.

I made a firm note to myself to contact the station and offer my opinion that whatever it was it should never be played on the air again. I turned the radio off.

When I made it back to my home office after my meetings I pulled up the station info on the internet.

Turns out my recently discovered "American Oldies" station had changed formats that morning....September 1.

All Indians, All The Time.

Indian, as in Hindi.

It's now "Radio Zindagi."

Turns out the DJ from the old format (who did surprisingly seem to be the guy on the air all the time) is a national syndicated guy named "Scott Shannon."

He's linked above with a 24 hour "Listen Live" option.

He offered the DeFranco song the other day because it was Tony DeFranco's birthday. As he played it, he said, "yes, I'm really playing this!"


And here's an additional performance from "The Mike Douglas Show" that had hosted the aforementioned "DeFranco Family."

This time it's a Cleveland band: ... re=related

Re: Idle Chatter

I'm what I would call a "fallen Catholic" who was baptized into The Faith.....and happy that I was.......but have spent most of my "religious life" since following girls I had a crush on or a relationship churches of their choice.

I'm a guy who believes in God and girls. I don't think that's completely a bad thing.

I was told early in life that I was baptized by the 2nd Black priest in America, and I have pics to prove he was at least not "white" in the mid-1950's.

I've always had that as a personal story,

Husker, sorry......but your guys do not pass my personal "screwball test."

Plus, I hope they are wrong.

And, I have other folks the current media labels as "screwballs" that I support.....with a discerning eye.

Here's to October Baseball!