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Re: Politics

Oh, no, say it ain’t so. Joe and the liberal media says Trump is lying. There is no fraud in vote-by-mail. Here 1 out of every 5 ballots were fraudulent in this one Jersey city!! As I said, next time Joe posts a fact will be the first time.

Re: Politics

I spend a lot more time at the range than you do looking for the truth, Ken. Don’t worry about me and mine. We are totally fine. Biden says today that he has a plan that is going to put 720 million women to work. Our population is 329 million. Oh, but he also said yesterday that Wuhan Virus has kill...

Re: Politics

I want to thank the Domestic Terrorists, BLM Marxists and Antifa, for re-affirming Americans belief in the 2nd Amendment. And for helping Trump's re-election campaign. - The trifecta of coronavirus fears, George Floyd protests, and the push to defund the police has resulted in surging gun sales in M...

Re: Politics

By the way, Ken. Did you liberals get upset when everyone said MERS? Wasn’t that insulting to Middle Easterners by your standards? What about Zika? Insulting to Ugandans? How about Ebola? Insulting to Congans? How about Spanish Flu? Was that insulting to Spaniards? (Swine Flu? Insulting to pigs? ......

Re: General Discussion

Civ: I dunno if I can define it. More like, I'll know if it bothers me when I see it. Ideally I'd just like to see everyone standing with their hats off. I didn't watch the final 14 games of the NFL season the year they started that kneeling. I lived through it, though I love football and the Browns...

Re: Politics

Oh Ken. I actually refer to it as The Moo Goo Gai Pandemic most of the time. But to save time typing I just went with China virus this time. Kung Flu Flu Manchu Chop Fluey Peking Plague The Commie Cough Sweet n Sour Sicken That's some of my favorites. Call it what you want, it is all Chinese Takeout...

Re: Politics

The city of Salinas, California, is forcing an evangelical Christian church to sell its downtown property, saying it does not fit in with the new look of the town. New Harvest Christian Fellowship bought the building in early 2018 after its congregation outgrew a space the church had been renting f...

Re: Politics

Sherikia Hawkins, the city clerk for Southfield Michigan has been charged with six felony counts for allegedly altering absentee ballots during the November 2018 election. Ms. Hawkins, a registered Democrat, was arraigned Monday in Southfield on: falsifying returns or records forgery of a public rec...

Re: General Discussion

Sorry, I’ve been skimming a lot. If I repeated old news I apologize. Squabbling between billionaires and millionaires didn’t interest me.

But I’ll watch closely when it starts.

(Till I see the first person disrespect the flag, anthem and country in any way. Then I’m out)

Re: Politics

In a press conference yesterday your president said the 20 most dangerous cities in America are all democratic led cities. It reminded me of a study I read late last year before the China virus hit. I went back and found it. This study found that the 10 most dangerous cities in America were all demo...

Re: General Discussion

Indians Prospective @indiansPro The #Indians will be using Classic Park home of the (Low A) Lake County Captains for their alternate spring training site for the (taxi squad). Can confirm also tonight what many of us expected but didn't want to fathom, that there will be no minor league season in 20...

Re: Politics

Let me explain something to you guys. And please read, cause this is important. Seema Verma, the administrator for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, said in an interview today - “Our guidelines very clearly say that a nursing home can accept somebody that’s COVID-positive, as long as t...

Re: Politics

Fired NY prosecutor was given Biden-Ukraine allegations in 2018 but didn’t follow up, emails show Ukraine prosecutors didn't want the political spectacle that became impeachment and simply sought to turn over evidence about Joe Biden and election interference to U.S. prosecutors, memos show. By John...

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